Plant Growing Guides
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How to Grow Lettuce
All lettuce varieties need to be grown in a sunny location in rich soil that retains moisture.

How to Grow Leeks
Leeks will grow in any reasonable soil but the richer the better to get the largest crops. Plant out in June when the plants are 8” tall and as thick as a pencil. Rake the soil and apply a general fertilizer one week before planting.
How to Grow Cucumbers
Cucumbers are notoriously difficult to cultivate from seed. With our professionally grown plug plants you’ll be able to easily grow your own fresh, crisp cucumbers.

How to Grow Standard Fuchsias
As the plant grows it will need a longer cane and will need to be tied approximately every 7-10 cm / 3-4 inches. Take care not to tie the stem too tightly to the stick, a small loose loop is best, as at this stage the stem will be quite soft and is easily damaged.

How to Grow Beetroot
Beetroot Plants need a sunny spot that has been well prepared and fertilizer has been raked in one week before planting. Apply lime if the soil is known to be acid.
How to Grow Sweetcorn
Sweetcorn is a form of maize where the plants grow from 4’ to 6’ tall and they yield one or two cobs / plant They need to be planted in rich soil which is well drained but holds moisture so the plants do not dry out. The site should be sunny and sheltered.
Prepare the ground by raking and adding a general fertilizer two weeks before planting.
How to Grow SunPatiens
SunPatiens® can't be beaten for easy care and non-stop color. Aside from regular watering, SunPatiens are virtually maintenance free. Plant them, step back and you will be delighted with the results!
How to Grow Fuchsias
Fuchsias are stunning and can be planted in all manor of containers, baskets or situations. They are very rewarding and extremely easy to grow from plug plants.